Research Article

Bioagents and Commercial Algae Products as Integrated Biocide Treatments for Controlling Root Rot Diseases of Some Vegetables under Protected Cultivation System

Table 4

Effect of applied algae compounds and bio-agent formula on produced yield of some vegetables grown in plastic houses under protected cultivation system at different locations.

TreatmentAverage yield Kg/row

Oligo-X + T.  harzianum 299.6d47.4183.4d28.6312.6d26.6203.6d21.7
Weed-Max + B. subtilis 280.2c37.8175.5c23.0304.4c23.3199.5c19.3
Rizolex-T (2 g/L)270.2b32.9161.5b13.2262.4b6.3184.2b10.1
Untreated control 203.2a142.6a246.8a167.2a

Mean values within each column followed by the same letter are not significantly different ( ).
The obtained accumulated yield of cultivated vegetables for each relevant treatment was calculated as Kg/row.
Percentage of the increase in obtained accumulated yield of cultivated vegetables for each relevant treatment was calculated relative to yield in control treatment.