Research Article

Redefinition of the Dinoflagellate Genus Alexandrium Based on Centrodinium: Reinstatement of Gessnerium and Protogonyaulax, and Episemicolon gen. nov. (Gonyaulacales, Dinophyceae)

Figure 6

Line drawings of the ventral, apical and antapical views, apical pore plate and sulcal plates of Alexandrium sensu lato and Centrodinium. (a) Gessnerium monilatum redrawn and modified from Balech (1995). (b) Alexandrium minutum redrawn and modified from Balech (1989, 1995). (c) Protogonyaulax tamarensis redrawn and modified from Balech (1995). (d) Episemicolon affine gen. & comb. nov. (formerly A. affine) redrawn and modified from Balech (1995). (e) Centrodinium punctatum. (f) Centrodinium eminens. 1′–4′ = apical plates; 1′′–6′′ = precingular plates; 1′′′–5′′′ = postcingular plates; 1′′′′–2′′′′ = antapical plates; a.a.p. = anterior attachment pore; C1–C6 = cingular plates; c.p. = closing, cover plate or canopy; p.a.p. = posterior attachment pore; Po = apical pore plate; S.a. = anterior sulcal plate; S.a.c.a. = anterior accessory sulcal; S.a.c.p. = posterior accessory sulcal; S.d.a. = right (dexter) anterior lateral sulcal; S.d.p. = right posterior lateral sulcal; S.m.a. = anterior median sulcal; S.m.p = posterior median sulcal; S.p. = posterior sulcal; S.s.a. = left (sinister) anterior lateral sulcal; S.s.p. = left posterior lateral sulcal.