Research Article

Contactless Monitoring of Breathing Patterns and Respiratory Rate at the Pit of the Neck: A Single Camera Approach

Table 1

Size of ROI in function of CCD camera setting: , , and the number of pixels considered for the analysis in the ROI are reported.

CCD camera settingCharacteristics of the proposed method
Aspect ratioResolution (sensor setting) [px] [px]Number of pixels in the ROI [px]

16 : 91280 × 720 (HD 720)38421682944
1024 × 576 (PAL)30617252632
854 × 480 (WVGA)25614436864

5 : 3800 × 480 (VGA)24012028800

4 : 3640 × 480 (NTSC)19214427648
800 × 600 (SVGA)24018043200