Research Article

Prevalence and Associated Factors of Depression among Prisoners in Jimma Town Prison, South West Ethiopia

Table 4

Factors associated with depression by multivariable logistic regression among prisoners in Jimma town prison, South West Ethiopia, June 2017 ().

Study variablesDepressionAOR (95% CI) -value

 Female14 (66.7)7 (33.3)2.35 (0.76, 7.25)0.13
 Male125 (40.2)186 (59.8)1
Age (year)
 18–2029 (35.4)53 (64.6)1.04 (0.45, 2.40)0.93
 21–2543 (55.1)35 (44.9)2.04 (1.06, 3.89)0.03
 26–3336 (40.0)54 (60.0)0.93 (0.47, 1.81)0.83
 >3431 (37.8)51 (62.2)1
Previous incarceration
 Yes23 (82.1)5 (17.9)3.26 (1.02, 10.64)0.05
 No116 (38.2)188 (61.8)1
Thinking life after released from prison is difficult
 Yes77 (51.7)72 (48.3)2.07 (1.2, 3.6)0.009
 No62 (33.9)121 (66.1)1
Criminal type
 Robbery67 (46.5)77 (53.5)1
 Rape8 (23.5)26 (76.5)0.40 (0.14, 1.12)0.08
 Corruption6 (27.3)16 (72.7)0.93 (0.28, 3.02)0.90
 Murderer45 (45.0)55 (55.0)1.26 (0.66, 2.40)0.47
 Other13 (40.6)19 (59.4)0.85 (0.33, 2.18)0.74
Having work in prison
 No127 (47.2)142 (52.8)4.96 (2.09, 11.80)<0.001
 Yes12 (19.0)51 (81.0)1
Family with mental illness
 Yes43 (75.4)14 (24.6)6.05 (2.60, 13.80)<0.001
 No96 (34.9)179 (65.1)1
Chronic physical illness
 Yes36 (67.9)17 (32.1)2.87 (1.29, 6.41)0.01
 No103 (36.9)176 (63.1)1
Past mental illness
 Yes25 (83.3)5 (16.7)2.87 (0.84, 9.80)0.09
 No114 (37.7)188 (62.3)1
Level of social support
 Strong13 (26.0)37 (74.0)1
 Moderate38 (33.6)75 (66.4)1.07 (0.43, 2.66)0.88
 Poor support88 (52.1)81 (47.9)2.20 (1.27, 3.82)0.005
Alcohol use (life time)
 Yes50 (69.4)22 (30.6)3.61 (1.80, 7.26)<0.001
 No89 (34.2)171 (65.8)1
Khat use (lifetime)
 Yes82 (53.9)70 (46.1)1.71 (0.95, 3.07)0.07
 No57 (31.7)123 (68.3)1
Cigarette smoking (lifetime)
 Yes37 (66.1)19 (33.9)1.78 (0.77, 4.10)0.17
 No102 (37.0)174 (63.0)1
Cannabis/shisha/ganja use (life time)
 Yes17 (81.0)4 (19.0)2.08 (0.47, 9.24)0.33
 No122 (39.2)189 (60.8)1

Illegal trading, arson, related to government, and illegal marriage.