Research Article

Driving Difficulties and Adaptive Strategies: The Perception of Individuals Having Sustained a Mild Traumatic Brain Injury

Table 3

Examples of difficulties reported by the participants and their perceived repercussions on driving.

DifficultiesVerbatim examples that characterize the difficulties reported by the participants when driving

FatigueI become …more tired a lot faster than before…(Participant no. 300)

Vision problemsBecause at night I have a…since my accident, I have a problem with vision. (…) it’s like I see stars. (Participant no. 325)

Slowed reactionsWhen I drive, I am maybe at 90%. (I’m missing 10%). It’s due to my reaction speed. (Participant no. 327)

HeadachesEvaluator: You did not drive today because of your headache?
Participant: Yes, I do not trust myself. (Participant no. 314)

AnxietyI’m more stressed now about driving than before. (Participant no. 323)

Loss of driving reflexesI loss the reflex of turning my head. (…) To check my blind spot, make the… good, you know: ≪OK, it’s necessary that I check my blind spot… here… here… go!≫ (Participant no. 329)

Decreased anticipationWhen driving, taking an exit, often I take it at the last minute. People must find me stupid. (Participant no. 308)

DizzinessIt was more difficult, even at the beginning. I did not drive at all because I was really dizzy during the first days. (Participant no. 334)

Memory problemsSometimes I just simply forget where I’m heading. (Participant no. 311)

Concentration problemsIt’s like I forgot some of what happened on the road. Like I was elsewhere, but it was as if I was not really there and I do not remember what happened. (Participant no. 318)

Spatial orientation problemsYou know, remember where I turned, I am not able to… like my visual memory of places, I do not have it anymore. In effect, it’s my sense of orientation. (Participant no. 323)

Angers easilyThe traffic, I always had a hard time with that and it did not get better with time but what I realized, is that I am more irritable since I had this accident. (Participant no. 324)

PainI have a lot of fatigue when driving long distances, with my leg. At a given moment, I have to remove my leg and change to drive with my left leg because I have fatigue and pain in my leg. (Participant no. 336)

Difficulty remaining in driving lane(…) I keep looking behind me because I have a feeling that someone is going to hit me from behind, just like in my accident…I avoided driving on highways… I had a lot of difficulty staying in my lane. But after, it did not really get better like it was before. (Participant no. 328)

Questions his/her ability to drive I do not really ask myself whether I’m able to drive or not. (Participant no. 311)