Review Article

Differentiating between Hemorrhagic Infarct and Parenchymal Intracerebral Hemorrhage

Figure 3

74-year-old woman presented with right hemiparesis lasting few minutes but ongoing residual sensory deficits. (a) Initial axial unenhanced CT images show an old left frontal infarct only. (b) 12 hours after her initial symptoms, she developed recurrent right hemiparesis and aphasia. Repeated axial-unenhanced CT images show obscuration and loss of grey white differentiation in the left lentiform nucleus (thick arrow) and a dense left middle cerebral artery (thin arrow). (c) Axial unenhanced CT images 24 hours after stroke show a large left parenchymal hematoma within the striatocapsular region. Importantly, even in the absence of the previous CT studies, the involvement of the caudate head in the last series of CT images raises the possibility of hemorrhagic infarct. Stage IIH d2 [1].