Review Article

Alkaline Phosphatase in Stem Cells

Table 1

Alkaline phosphatases expressed in humans and mice with their basic attributes.

Isoenzyme APGeneMolecular weightTissue localizationTemperature of inactivationSpecific inhibitors

PLAPALPP 90–120 kDaSyncytiotrophoblastStable at 70°Cneuraminidase [5], L-phenylalanine [58], L-leucine [60], L-leucyl-glycyl-glycine [56], L-phenylalanyl-glycyl-glycine [56]
GCAPALPPL2 PGC, testes, cervix, thymus
EAP (mouse)Akp5 (Alppl2)Preimplantation stage of embryo

IAP-like (mouse)
ALPI (human) Akp3 (mouse)
Akp6 (Alpi)
70–90 kDa Small intestine (duodenum)Stable at 56°CL-Phenylalanine [58], L-tryptophan [59]

Bone isoform TNAPALPL (human)
Alpl (mouse)
120–150 kDaBone (preosteoblastic cells, basolateral site of osteoblasts), chondrocytes, odontoblastsPGC (mouse), brain (subependymal layer), embryo, testes (mouse) Nonstable at 55°C L-Homoarginine [61], neuraminidase [5], L-levamisole [57], imidazole [62]
Liver isoform TNAPLiver (bille epithelium)At 55°C more stable than bone isoform
Kidney isoform TNAPKidney (epithelial cells of proximal tubules)Nonstable at 45°C

PLAP: placental AP; GCAP: germ cell AP; EAP: embryonic AP; IAP: intestinal AP; TNAP: tissue nonspecific AP.