Research Article

Effect of Soil Type and Foliar Factors on the Distribution of Imbrasia belina in the Southeastern Lowveld of Zimbabwe

Table 1

Mean + SE, F value, and the significance level of the parameters measured.

ParameterNumber of samples (N)Mean + SEF valueSig. level

pH805.4312 ± 0.03690.8430.475
Avail. N (ppm)801.0086 ± 0.15981.6210.192
Avail. P (ppm)800.0004 ± 0.00011.4070.247
% clay8084.7875 ± 0.45451.7740.044
% silt8012.1375 ± 0.44141.7090.172
% sand802.9750 ± 0.13660.1840.907
% CE8040.7434 ± 2.03730.010.9999
% total P800.0933 ± 0.00300.1660.919
% total N800.2531 ± 0.00290.5370.659

4.4% risk of concluding that a difference exists when there is no actual difference.