Review Article

Energy-Aware High-Performance Computing: Survey of State-of-the-Art Tools, Techniques, and Environments

Table 7

Testbed applications.


[33]Mibench and mediabench
[44]Automotive-industrial, consumer-networking, telecom, mpeg
[73]MD5 password breaking application
[47]Monte Carlo simulation of particle transport unstructured implicit finite element method molecular dynamics unstructured shock hydrodynamics
[30]Both single-application and multiapplication workloads PARSEC (x264, swaptions, vips, fluidanimate, Black Scholes, bodytrack), Minebench (ScalParC, kmeans, HOP, PLSA, svmfe, btree, kmeans_fuzzy), Rodinia (cfd, nn, lud, particlefilter), Jacobi, swish++, dijkstra
[48]CoMD, Lulesh, MP2C
[34]NAS parallel benchmarks (NPB) kernel EP, European option pricing benchmark Black Scholes
[74]Workload simulated in a scheduling simulator
[49]Matrix multiplication + P_write_priv benchmark—an I/O benchmark of IMB package
[50]Job models from historical data from HLRS (high-performance computing center Stuttgart)
[51]Early evaluation through an application extracted from Drug Discovery code, computation of interatomic distances and overlap of drug molecule, and protein active site probes
[52]HPCG, NAS parallel benchmarks, NICAM-DC-MINI (for Post-K Japanese national flagship supercomputer development)
[53]For system adaptation experiments: Molecular dynamics simulation (MDS), advance research Weather research and forecasting (WRF-ARW)
[35]miniMD (parallel molecular dynamics code), Jacobi—3D stencil computation code
[54]Parallel aerospace application PMLB (Lattice Boltzmann), parallel earthquake simulation eq3dyna
[36]GEM software—calculation of electrostatic potentials generated by charges within molecules
[75]Generation of parity data using GPUs
[55]MILC, GTC, SWEEP3D, PSCYEE, LBMHD, NAS parallel benchmarks—intratask scaling, LAMMPS, HYCOM, WRF, POP—intertask scaling
[37]Selected MAGMA and Rodinia benchmarks
[38]Synthetic sporadic real-time tasks used for evaluation of performance
[45]Mega lattice Site updates per Second
[39]Virusdetectioncl, NVIDIA CUDA SDK, GP GPU-Sim, Rodinia
[57]IOzone, iperf, stream, stress (single node), a set of NPB benchmark (cluster): CG, MG, MDS, WRF-ARW, POP X1 benchmark, GeneHunter
[14]NAS OpenMP parallel benchmarks
[58]Workload simulated in a scheduling simulator
[24]NAS parallel benchmarks (NPB) kernel MG
[40]Parallel 2D heat distribution, parallel numerical integration and parallel fast Fourier transform
[76]Synthetic application and VM profiles based on real data center logs
[77]Simulation of users requesting provisioning of (290) VMs hosting undefined web applications
[41]SPEC’2000 benchmark suite [79]
[59]NAS class C benchmarks: CG, EP, IS, LU, MG, and SP
[42]Dgemm, dgemv, daxpy, Jacobi, LBM, HPCG, XSBench, Stream benchmark
[61]Jacobi PDE solver, particle-particle simulation based on MP3D from Splash suite, UMT2K from the ASC Purple suite, code operating on unstructured meshes
[62]Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulation code
[63, 64]Multi-zone NPB benchmarks (LU-MZ, SP-MZ, and BT-MZ) and two benchmarks (AMG and IRS) from the ASC Sequoia benchmark suite
[65]NAS benchmark
[43]NAS parallel benchmarks (NPB) and Barcelona OpenMP task Suite (BOTS)
[68]SPhot from ASC Purple suite, BT-MZ, SP-MZ, and LU-MZ from NAS suite
[69]miniFE, miniMD, miniGhost, CloverLeaf, CoMD, Hoomd-Blue, AMG, Sweep3D, LULESH, Graph500
[46]Kernels from various computational domains—dense linear algebra (matrix-matrix, matrix-vector multiplication), stencil computations, linear algebra solvers (LU decomposition), miniGhost, CoMD
[70]Lulesh, Wave2D, LeanMD
[72]Quantum ESPRESSO, gadget, Seissol, WaLBerla, PMATMUL, STREAM