Review Article

The Study of Nebular Emission on Nearby Spiral Galaxies in the IFU Era

Figure 7

(a) The relation between surface mass density and gas-phase oxygen metallicity for 2000 HII regions in nearby galaxies, the local -Z relation. The first contour stands for the mean density value, with a regular spacing of four time this value for each consecutive contour. The blue circles represent the mean (plus 1 error bars) in bins of 0.15 dex. The red dashed-dotted line is a polynomial fit to the data. The blue lines correspond to the [42] relation ( 0.2 dex) scaled to the relevant units. Typical errors for and metallicity are represented. (b) Distribution of HII regions along the local -Z relation for three galaxies of the sample at different redshifts. The size of the symbols is linked to the value of , being inversely proportional to and metallicity as shown. Figure is adapted from Rosales-Ortega et al. [38].