Research Article

Effective Perihelion Advance and Potentials in a Conformastatic Background with Magnetic Field

Table 1

Comparison between the values of secular precession of inner planets in units of arcsec/century of the standard (Einstein) perihelion precession [22] for neutral test particles (planets, asteroids/comets) in the conformastatic magnetized spacetime of a punctual mass . The data for stands for the secular observed perihelion precession in units of arcsec/century adapted from [23] by adding a supplementary precession correction from EPM2011 [19, 20]. In addition, the results for the NEOS 433 Eros, 3200 Phaethon, and 2p/Encke comet are also presented. The mass of the 2p/Encle comet as was estimated with a bulk density as shown in [24].


Mercuryā€‰ 42.9781742.9782
Venus 8.624098.62425
Earth 3.838483.83944
Mars 1.350861.36980ā€‰
433 Eros1.60 1.573171.58668
3200 Phaethon10.1 10.120110.1213
2p/Encke1.9079 1.8681.92833