
Let Dn be the unit polydisc of n, ϕ(z)=(ϕ1(z),,ϕn(z)) be a holomorphic self-map of Dn, and ψ(z) a holomorphic function on Dn. Let H(Dn) denote the space of all holomorphic functions with domain Dn, H(Dn) the space of all bounded holomorphic functions on Dn, and B(Dn) the Bloch space, that is, B(Dn)={fH(Dn)|fB=|f(0)|+supzDnk=1n|(f/zk)(z)|(1|zk|2)<+}. We give necessary and sufficient conditions for the weighted composition operator ψCϕ induced by ϕ(z) and ψ(z) to be bounded and compact from H(Dn) to the Bloch space B(Dn).