
The purpose of this paper is to present the fixed points and endpoints of set-valued contractions concerning with the stronger Meir-Keeler cone-type mappings in cone metric spcaes. Our results generalize the recent results of Kadelburg and Radenović, 2011; Wardowski, 2009.

1. Introduction and Preliminaries

Throughout this paper, by , we denote the sets of all nonnegative real numbers and all real numbers, respectively, while is the set of all natural numbers. Let be a metric space, a subset of , and a map. We say is contractive if there exists such that, for all , The well-known Banach fixed-point theorem asserts that if , is contractive and is complete, then has a unique fixed-point in . It is well known that the Banach contraction principle [1] is a very useful and classical tool in nonlinear analysis. Also, this principle has many generalizations. For instance, Kannan [2] and Chatterjea [3] introduced two conditions that can replace (1.1) in Banach's theorem as follows:

Kannan [2]: There exists such that, for all ,

Chatterjea [3]: There exists such that for all ,

After these three conditions, many papers have been written generalizing some of the conditions (1.1), (1.2), and (1.3). In 1969, Boyd and Wong [4] showed the following fixed-point theorem.

Theorem 1.1 (see [4]). Let be a complete metric space and a map. Suppose there exists a function satisfying , for all and is right upper semicontinuous such that Then has a unique fixed-point in .

Later, Meir-Keeler [5], using a result of Chu and Diaz [6], extended Boyd-Wong's result to mappings satisfying the following more general condition: and Meir-Keeler proved the following very interesting fixed-point theorem which is a generalization of the Banach contraction principle.

Theorem 1.2 (Meir-Keeler [5]). Let be a complete metric space and let be a Meir-Keeler contraction; that is, for every , there exists such that implies for all . Then has a unique fixed-point.

Subsequently, some authors worked on this notion of Meir-Keeler contraction (e.g., [710]). In this paper, we introduce a new notion of the stronger Meir-Keeler-type mapping , , as follows.

Definition 1.3. A mapping , is called a stronger Meir-Keeler-type mapping in a metric space , if for each , there exists such that for with , there exists such that .

Example 1.4. Let be a metric space, and define , by Then is a stronger Meir-Keeler-type mapping.

The existence of fixed-points for various multi valued contractive mappings had been studied by many authors under different conditions. In 1969, Nadler [11] extended the famous Banach contraction principle from single-valued mapping to multi valued mapping and proved the following fixed-point theorem for multi valued contraction. Let denote the collection of all nonempty subsets of , the collection of all nonempty bounded subsets of , the collection of all nonempty closed subsets of , the collection of all nonempty closed and bounded subsets of , and the collection of all nonempty sequentially compact subsets of .

Theorem 1.5 (see [11]). Let be a complete metric space, and, be a mapping from into . Assume that there exists such that Then has a fixed-point in .

In 1989, Mizoguchi-Takahashi [12] proved the following fixed-point theorem.

Theorem 1.6 (see [12]). Let be a complete metric space and a map from into . Assume that for all , where satisfies for all . Then has a fixed-point in .

Remark 1.7. It is clear that if the function , satisfies then is also a stronger Meir-Keeler-type function.

In 2003, Rus [13] introduced the notion of endpoints (strict fixed-points) and proved some results on strict fixed-point theory on multi valued operator. An element is said to be a fixed-point of , if . If , then is called an endpoint of . We will denote the sets of all fixed-points and endpoints of by and , respectively. The following theorems were the main results of Rus [13].

Theorem 1.8 (see [13]). Let be a complete metric space and a multi valued operator. Suppose that (i) for all (ii)there exist a comparison function (see [14]) and a Picard sequence , such that where .
Then as and is a unique strict fixed-point of .

Recently, Wardowski [15] proved the following theorems concerning fixed-points and endpoints of set-valued contractions in complete cone metric spaces.

Definition 1.9. A function is called lower semicontinuous, if, for any sequence and ,
If is a cone metric space and , then, for , we denote

Theorem 1.10 (see [15]). Let be a complete cone metric space, let be a normal cone with normal constant , and let . Assume that a function defined by , is lower semicontinuous. If there exist , such that then .

Theorem 1.11 (see [15]). Let be a complete cone metric space, let be a normal cone with normal constant , and let . Assume that a function defined by , is lower semicontinuous. The following hold(a) If there exist , such that then .(b) If there exist , such that then .

In 1997, Zabrejko [16] introduced the -metric and -normed linear spaces and showed the existence and uniqueness of fixed-points for operators which act in -metric or -normed linear spaces. Huang and Zhang [17] introduced the concept of cone metric space by replacing the set of real numbers by an ordered Banach space, and they showed some fixed-point theorems of contractive type mappings on cone metric spaces. The category of cone metric spaces is larger than metric spaces. Subsequently, many authors like Abbas and Jungck [18] have generalized the results of Huang and Zhang [17] and studied the existence of common fixed-points of a pair of self-mappings satisfying a contractive type condition in the framework of normal cone metric spaces. However, authors like Rezapour and Hamlbarani [19] studied the existence of common fixed-points of a pair of self- and non-self-mappings satisfying a contractive type condition in the situation in which the cone does not need to be normal. Many authors studied this subject and many results on fixed-point theory are proved (see, e.g., [12, 1939]).

Definition 1.12 (see [17]). Let be a real Banach space and a nonempty subset of . , where denotes the zero element of , is called a cone if and only if: (i) is closed;(ii), , ;(iii) and .

For given a cone , we define a partial ordering with respect to by or if and only if for all . The real Banach space equipped with the partial order induced by is denoted by . We shall write to indicate that but , while or will stand for , where denotes the interior of .

Proposition 1.13 (see [40]). Suppose is a cone in a real Banach space . Then one has the following. (i)If and , then .(ii)If and , then .(iii)If and , then . (iv)If and for each , then .

Proposition 1.14 (see [41]). Suppose , and . Then there exists such that for all .

The cone is called normal if there exists a real number such that, for all ,

The least positive number , satisfying the above is called the normal constant of .

The cone is called regular if every increasing sequence which is bounded from above is convergent, that is, if is a sequence such that for some , then there is such that as . Equivalently, the cone is regular if and only if every decreasing sequence which is bounded from below is convergent. It is well known that a regular cone is a normal cone.

Definition 1.15 (see [17]). Let be a nonempty set, a real Banach space, and a cone in . Suppose that the mapping satisfies(i), for all ; (ii) if and only if ; (iii), for all ; (iv), for all . Then is called a cone metric on , and is called a cone metric space.

Definition 1.16 (see [17]). Let be a cone metric space, and let be a sequence in and . If for every with , there is such that then is said to be convergent and converges to .

Definition 1.17 (see [17]). Let be a cone metric space, and let be a sequence in . We say that is a Cauchy sequence if, for any with , there is such that

Definition 1.18 (see [17]). Let be a cone metric space. If every Cauchy sequence is convergent in , then is called a complete cone metric space.

Remark 1.19 (see [17]). If is a normal cone, then converges to if and only if as . Further, in the case is a Cauchy sequence if and only if as .

The purpose of this paper is to present the fixed-points and endpoints of set-valued contractions concerning with the stronger Meir-Keeler cone-type mappings in cone metric spcaes. Our results generalize the recent results of Kadelburg and Radenović [4244] and Wardowski [15].

2. Main Results

In this section, we first introduce the following notion of stronger Meir-Keeler cone-type mapping.

Definition 2.1. Let be a cone metric space with cone , and let Then the function is called a stronger Meir-Keeler cone-type mapping, if, for each , there exists such that, for with , there exists such that .

We now are in a position to present the following fixed-point theorem.

Theorem 2.2. Let be a complete cone metric space, and let be a normal cone in and . Assume that a function defined by , is lower semicontinuous. The following holds.(*)  There exists a stronger Meir-Keeler cone-type mapping such that Then .

Proof. Given , we define the sequence recursively as follows. Take any . By , there exist and such that Thus, If , then , and we are done. Assume that . Put . By the definition of the stronger Meir-Keeler cone-type mapping , corresponding to use, there exists and with such that . Taking into account (2.5), we have that
By the same process, for , there exist and such that Thus, Now, put . By the definition of the stronger Meir-Keeler cone-type mapping , corresponding to use, there exists and with such that . And we put and . Taking into account (2.9), we have that
We continue in this manner. Inductively, for , there exist and such that Thus, Put . By the definition of the stronger Meir-Keeler cone-type mapping , corresponding to use, there exist and with such that . And we put and . Taking into account (2.14), we have that
Let such that . Taking into account (2.15) and (2.16), we obtain that Let be given. Since and , we get Thus, there exists such that, for all , and we also conclude that for all . This implies that is a Cauchy sequence. Since is complete, there exists such that
By the definition of , since , there exists a sequence such that , for all . From the convergence of the sequence and from the lower semicontinuity of the function , we obtain that Thus, We claim that . To prove this, on the contrary, assume that . Then by (2.22), there exists a sequence such that , and hence . Thus, for any , Let be given. Then there exists such that for all , and , and so This implies that is a Cauchy sequence in . Since is complete, there exists such that By the closedness of the , we deduce that . Then, for any , Let be given. Since and , we can deduce that there exists such that, for all , and , and hence By Proposition 1.13, we obtain that that is, , which is a contradiction. Therefore, .

Applying Remark 1.7, it is easy to establish the following corollary.

Corollary 2.3. Let be a complete cone metric space, a normal cone in , and . Assume that a function defined by :, is lower semicontinuous. The following holds.(**) There exists a mapping such that Then .

Corollary 2.4. Let be a complete cone metric space, a normal cone in , and . Assume that a function defined by , is lower semicontinuous. The following holds.(***)There exists a stronger Meir-Keeler cone-type mapping such that Then .

Example 2.5. Let , , where , , , defined by , , , with for all and if and only if . Let be defined by , , and . Then , , . Take for all . Calculation shows that, for , that is, according to Corollary 2.4 we have that .

Theorem 2.6. Let be a complete cone metric space, a normal cone in , and . Assume that a function defined by , , is lower semicontinuous. The following hold:(A) There exists a stronger Meir-Keeler cone-type mapping such that
Then .(B) There exists a stronger Meir-Keeler cone-type mapping such that
Then .

Proof. (A) By the same proof of the part (i) of Theorem 3.2 in [15], we have that for all . The remainder proof is similar to Theorem 2.2, we can deduce that .
(B) By (A), we obtain that the existence of such that, . Taking any , we have that, for all , . Since , we get , and hence , which gives . Thus .

Example 2.7. Let , , . Let for all , and let , . Then , . Let for all . It is easy to check that all conditions of Theorem 2.6 are satisfied and that .

Corollary 2.8. Let be a complete cone metric space, a normal cone in , and . Assume that a function defined by , is lower semicontinuous. The following hold:(C) There exists a mapping such that Then .(D) There exists a mapping such that Then .