1. Introduction

In [1], the following nonlinear oscillator was studied: Similar nonlinear oscillators arising in packing systems and textile engineering are available in [27].

In [1], (1) is approximated by Taylor’s series for the nonlinear terms: By using Taylor’s expansion function of MATLAB’s symbolic function, the nonlinear terms , , and are expanded to 8th order. After careful calculation, (2) should be corrected as where .

2. Variational Iteration Method

In [1], the following variational iteration algorithm was constructed: which should be corrected as In order to simplify the solution process, we denote Equation (5) becomes We begin with and use the following relationships: By (7), we have where Consider the following identity: From (10), we obtain where ( = 1~4) are defined above.

3. Discussion and Conclusion

The result of in [1] should be corrected as that given in (13). In [1], actually the following variational iteration algorithm is used: which is called the variational iteration algorithm in [8, 9]; for the present problem, the variational iteration algorithm in [10] is much more effective, which reads The variational iteration method is especially effective in solving nonlinear oscillators.