Research Article

A Weighted Voting Classifier Based on Differential Evolution

Algorithm 1

DE algorithm for DEWVote’s model selection.
Input: The control parameters of DE: mutation factor F, crossover rate CR, and population size N.
(1)       Initialization(); {Generate uniformly distributed random population of N individuals
       , where is a
       vector representing the weights ( , , …, ,…, ) of D base classifiers.}
(2)      Set the generation iterator .
(3)        while the stopping criterion is not satisfied do
(4)     for     do
(5)    Select random indexes , , and to be different from each other and from the index i.
(6)    Compute a mutant vector using (1).
(7)    Generate random number .
(8)    for     do
(9)        Decide trial individual using (6).
(10)      end for
(11)        Compute the fitness of the vector and using 10-fold cross validation, and
        update the vector of the next generation ( ) using (7).
(12)    end for
(13)    Update generation iterator .
(14) end  while
Output: The optimal weights ( , , …, , …, ) for DEWVote.