Research Article

A Data Mining Approach for Visual and Analytical Identification of Neurorehabilitation Ranges in Traumatic Brain Injury Cognitive Rehabilitation

Algorithm 3

Amxn matrix of red/green elements obtained after FT-SAP()
MER submatrix of
findMaxRectangleArea function () {
# (1) Initialize.
maxArea 0;
area 0;
# (2) Outer double-for-loop to consider all possible positions for top-left corner.
for ( in ){
        for ( in ){
      # (2.1) With (, ) as top-left, consider all possible bottom-right corners.
        for ( in ){
       for ( in ){
        # (2.1.2) See if rectangle(, , , ) is filled.
                        Filled checkFilled (, , , );
    # (2.1.3) If so, compute it’s area.
                            if (filled){area computeArea (, , , )}
                # If the area is largest, adjust maximum and update coordinates.
                                       if (area > maxArea){
                                                                maxArea area;
(topLeft, topLeft, botRight, botRight)
return (list(area = maxArea, rect = ));
computeArea function (, , , ) {
if ( < ) {return(−1)}
if ( < ) {return(−1)}
return (() ())
checkFilled function (, , , ) {
for ( in ){
         for ( in ){
                if ( == 0) {return (FALSE)}
return (TRUE)