Research Article

Weed Control in White Bean with Various Halosulfuron Tankmixes

Table 1

Percent visible injury 1 and 4 WAE, crop moisture at harvest, and yield of white bean treated with halosulfuron tankmixes applied PPI at Exeter (2011–2013) and Harrow, ON (2012). Means followed by the same letter within a column are not significantly different according to Fisher’s Protected LSD at .

Herbicide treatmentRate (g ai ha−1)InjuryMoistureYield
%T ha−1

Weedy check00 a20.80.6 e
Weed-free check00 a19.9 2.2 ab
trifluralin60000 a20.31.2 d
s-Metolachlor105000 a20.4 1.4 cd
Halosulfuron3500 a19.6 1.7 bc
Imazethapyr450 2 bc19.9 1.8 bc
Trifluralin + halosulfuron600 + 3500 a19.4 2.2 ab
Trifluralin + imazethapyr600 + 450 2 bc19.5 2.0 ab
Trifluralin + halosulfuron + imazethapyr600 + 35 + 4504 c19.5 2.1 ab
s-Metolachlor + halosulfuron1050 + 3500 a19.6 2.2 ab
s-Metolachlor + imazethapyr1050 + 4501 b19.8 2.0 ab
s-Metolachlor + halosulfuron + imazethapyr1050 + 35 + 450 3 bc19.9 2.0 ab

Abbreviations: WAE, weeks after crop emergence; PPI, preplant incorporated.