Research Article

Households’ Preference for Local Rice in the Upper East Region, Ghana

Table 1

Categories of Rice traits and their description elicited from the respondents.

Traits categoryRespondents’ description of rice characteristics

CleannessNo stones, no dead rice, no impurities
TasteVery delicious, tasteful, sweet
Nutritional benefitsHigh nutritional value, nonfattening
Good-looking grainsUniform size and shape, long-grain, nonbroken grains, whitish in colour
AromaPerfumed-like, unique rice aroma, smells good
TextureSoft, smooth, nonsticky
Ease of cookingDoes not need excessive water, does not take longer time to cook
PackagingIn a clean well-designed pack, well-sealed
Relative pricecompetitive price, equal or lower than the imported price
Volume of expansionIncrease in quantity after cooking