Research Article

Determinants of Off-Farm Income among Smallholder Rice Farmers in Northern Ghana: Application of a Double-Hurdle Model

Table 1

Data description and summary statistics of the respondents.

VariableDefinition MeanStd. Dev.Min.Max.

ZParticipation in off-farm work (1 = yes)0.4270.49501
YOff-farm income (GH¢) per year1111139806300
SEXSex of respondent (1 = male)0.780.4101
EXPYears of farming experience20.612.2260
EDUEducation of respondent (years)3.855.34020
HSZHousehold size (number)9.687.20271
DISTMarket distance (kilometres)7.994.30218
REGRegional dummy (1 = Northern)0.330.4801
CREDAccess to credit (1 = access)0.400.4901
DSPECDegree of specialization (%)45.425.13.6100