Review Article

Technological Advancement and the Economic Benefit of Indonesian Rain-Fed Farming Development

Table 2

Comparison of yield from annual cropping pattern in rain-fed land.

Planting Index (PI)MH (Oct-Feb)MK1 (Mar-Jun)MK2 (Jul-Sep)

3Gogo rancah riceWelik jerami riceSecondary crops

Production Potential (Ton Dried Grain/Ha)6.03.5Soybean: 1.5
Maize: 5.0

3Gogo rancah rice with super jarwoRice with jarwo plusSecondary crops

Production Potential (Ton Dried Grain/Ha)7.04.5Soybean: 1.5
Maize: 5.0

Source: Sulaiman et al. [31]; MoA [11ā€“13]