Research Article

Micropropagation of Livingstone Potato (Plectranthus esculentus N.E.Br)

Table 4

Summary of landrace performance due to application of PGRs.

ParameterLandrace and NAA : BAP combination (mg/l)

Days to root initiationChibanda and Chizambezi K (0.5 mg/l : 1 mg/l)
Days to shoot initiationChibanda and Chizambezi D (0 mg/l : 2 mg/l, H (0.2 mg/l : 2 mg/l) and L (0.5 mg/l : 2 mg/lChizambezi P (1 mg/l : 2 mg/l)
No. of shootsNdurwe and Musande G (0.2 mg/l : 1 mg/l) shoots were structurally small and short
No. of leavesChibanda, Chizambezi, and Ndurwe B–E (0 mg/l : 0.5 mg/l–0.2 mg/l : 0 mg/l)Chizambezi I-J (0.5 mg/l : 0 mg/l–0.5 mg/l : 0.5 mg/l)Ndurwe, Chizambezi, and Chibanda L-M (0.5 mg/l : 2 mg/l–1 mg/l : 0 mg/l)
No. of nodesChibanda and Ndurwe A–E 0 mg/l : 0 mg/l–0.2 mg/l : 0 mg/lChizambezi I (0.5 mg/l : 0 mg/l)Chizambezi, Ndurwe, and Musande M (1 mg/l : 0 mg/l)Musande O (1 mg/l : 1 mg/l)
Length of shootsMusande and Ndurwe D–F (0 mg/l : 2 mg/l–0.2 mg/l : 0.5 mg/l)Ndurwe M (1 mg/l : 0 mg/l)Musande O (1 mg/l : 1 mg/l)