Research Article

Impact on Yield, Biomass, Mineral Profile, pH, and Electrical Conductivity of Cherry Tomato Fruit Using a Nutrient Solution and a Silicon-Based Organomineral Fertilizer

Table 1

Effect of NS and organomineral fertilizer on chlorophyll and fresh weight in cherry tomato.

TreatmentChlorophyll content (SPAD index)FFW (g-plant)RFW (g-plant)LFW (g-plant)S/BFW (g-plant)

NS40.83 ± 11.1a25.93 ± 25.4a5.02 ± 0.7b8.07 ± 2.6b31.65 ± 11.9ab
NS + F-granulated41.57 ± 6.63a22.54 ± 16.23a9.682.71a10.41 ± 3.99b27.96 ± 6.74b
NS + F-powder39.25 ± 4.56a46.80 ± 11.26a8.49 ± 1.93ab28.75 ± 8.02a54.64 ± 15.65a
value0.092.006.02 17.70 5.79

Means followed by different letters in each column indicate significant differences among treatments ( ; ). RFW = root fresh weight; FFW = fresh fruit weight; FLW = fresh leaf weight; S/BFW = fresh stem/branch weight; CV = coefficient of variation.