Research Article

An Investigation into Major Causes for Postharvest Losses of Horticultural Crops and Their Handling Practice in Debre Markos, North-Western Ethiopia

Table 7

Causes of postharvest loss.

FruitsType of major loss

AvocadoMechanical damage, softening, decay
Sweet orangeRupturing, shrivelling
LimeOverripe/fast ripening, softening
BananaWeight loss, blackening, mechanical damage, rotting
PapayaDecay, black spot, crash
MangoSoftening, blackspot, mechanical damage

Vegetable type of major loss
OnionDecay, wilt, shrink, flaccid, sprouting
KaleWilting, loss of green colour
CabbageBussing, colour change, wilting, mechanical damage
PepperBruising, decay, wilting, colour change
Swiss chardWilting, loss of green colour
TomatoDecay, mechanical damage, blackspot
CarrotMechanical damage, rotting
PotatoShrivelling, wounding during harvest, sprouting

Source: own field and laboratory observation (2019).