Research Article

Knowledge on Pesticide Handling Practices and Factors Affecting Adoption of Personal Protective Equipment: A Case of Farmers from Nepal

Table 2

Description of variables used in the binary logit model.


Dependent variable
Adoption of PPEDummyFarmers are aware of using PPE or not1 = aware
0 = unaware

Independent variable
GenderDummySex of the respondent1 = male, 0 = female0.59
AgeContinuousAge of the respondentYears39.52
Number of members in the familyContinuousFamily sizeNumber of people living in a family5.29
Land ownershipDummyGender1 = male, 0 = female0.72
Schooling yearsContinuousLevel of educationYears of schooling9.85
Buying pesticide by nameDummyBuying respective pesticide by name or not1 = buying pesticide by name, 0 = not0.51
Reading labelsDummyReading labels after buying or not1 = reading labels, 0 = not reading labels0.45
Training related to pesticideDummyAttended training or not1 = attended, 0 = not attended0.21