Research Article

Allelopathic Effects of Sphaeranthus suaveolens on Seed Germination and Seedling Growth of Phaseolus vulgaris and Oryza sativa

Table 1

Mean percentage germination (±SE) of P. vulgaris and O. sativa seeds (after 7 and 14 days, respectively) per treatment of S. suaveolens extracts of treatment in a laboratory and screen house experiments.

Concentration (%)Laboratory experimentScreen house experiment
P. vulgarisO. sativaP. vulgarisO. sativa

0100 ± 0.2a90 ± 0.3a100 ± 0.1a100 ± 0a
2580 ± 0.4b90 ± 0.2a83 ± 0.4b83 ± 0.3a
5070 ± 0.4c50 ± 0.6b50 ± 0.4c33 ± 0.4b
7520 ± 0.4d10 ± 0.3c17 ± 0.2d17 ± 0.3c
10010 ± 0.2e0 ± 0.2c0 ± 0.2e0 ± 0c
F-statisticsF(4, 15) = 142F(4, 15) = 140F(4, 15) = 53F(4, 15) = 144

Values with different superscript letter(s) in the same column are significantly different by Fisher LSD at . .