Research Article

Growth Promotion of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Seedlings Using Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) Isolated from Northwest Ethiopia

Table 2

Physiological and biochemical characteristics of Bacillus isolates recovered from Lake Tana sediment samples.

Biochemical and physiological testsBacillus isolates

Gram RXN+++++
Catalase test+++++
Casein hydrolysis++++
Citrate utilization+++
VP test+
MR test+++
Indole test+++
H2S production+++
Glucose (acid)++++
Glucose (gas)++
Urea hydrolysis+++
Starch hydrolysis++
Gelatin hydrolysis++++
Resistance to 5% NaCl++++
Resistance to 7% NaCl+++
Resistance to 10% NaCl+
Growth at 20°C+
Growth at 30°C+++++
Growth at 37°C+++++
Growth at 45°C+
Growth at 55°C+

Note. + growth,—no growth.