Research Article

Nutritional Value and In Vitro Volatile Fatty Acid Production of Forage Grasses Cultivated Using Farmyard Manure and Desmodium intortum Intercropping in the Upper Blue Nile Basin, Ethiopia

Table 1

Effects of fertilizer treatments on the chemical composition of forage grasses at the Aba Gerima watershed.

% Of DMg kg⁻¹ DM

Fertilizer treatment (F)
 Desm plus FYM6.172.042.611.72.6a80.812.8
 ± SEM0.080.861.440.550.033.070.10
Forage grass (FS)
 Desho grass6.3a69.9b39.511.23.0a70.0b13.0a
 Napier grass6.0b72.5a41.710.91.8b91.3a12.7b
 ± SEM0.060.611.010.390.022.170.07
Year (Y)
 ± SEM0.060.611.010.390.022.170.07
 Overall mean6.171.240.611.12.480.612.8

Means with different superscripts in a column are significantly different (, Tukey’s test); Control, no fertilizer treatment. ADF, acid detergent fiber; ADL, acid detergent lignin; CP, crude protein; Desm, Desmodium intortum; DM, dry matter; EE, ether extract; FYM, farmyard manure; GE, gross energy; NDF, neutral detergent fiber.