Research Article

Nutritional Value and In Vitro Volatile Fatty Acid Production of Forage Grasses Cultivated Using Farmyard Manure and Desmodium intortum Intercropping in the Upper Blue Nile Basin, Ethiopia

Table 2

Chemical composition of forage grasses cultivated using various fertilizer treatments at the Guder watershed.

% Of DMg kg⁻¹ DM

Fertilizer treatment (F)
 Desm plus FYM6.267.338.6b11.72.6a118.3a12.5
 ± SEM0.100.800.850.520.032.900.14
Forage grass (FS)
 Desho grass6.3a68.139.411.0b1.6b98.2b12.8a
 Napier grass6.1b69.739.912.7a3.1a131.6a12.3b
 ± SEM0.070.570.600.370.022.050.10
Year (Y)
 ± SEM0.070.570.600.370.022.170.10
 Overall mean6.268.939.811.82.4114.912.6

Means with different superscripts in a column are significantly different (; Tukey’s test). Control, no fertilizer treatment.