Research Article

Response of Black Nightshade to Different Cropping Systems and the Effect on Physiological Parameters and Mineral Composition

Table 3

Variation in mineral composition of S. nigrum L. in the two cropping systems: open field and greenhouse.

NutrientCropping systemsSEMLSD (5%)F probability
Open fieldGreenhouse

Macro minerals
 Calcium (%)1.183a1.017ab0.01450.05700.001
 Phosphorus (%)0.6143a0.5213ab0.010880.042700.004
 Magnesium (%)0.6940a0.4073b0.004750.01865<.001
 Potassium (%)3.900ab4.570a0.12880.50560.021
 Sodium (mg/kg)350.3ab465.6a11.4945.110.002
 Sulphur (%)0.634b1.503a0.02970.1166<.001
Trace elements
 Copper (mg/kg)16.97a12.87b0.4881.915<.001
 Manganese (mg/kg)78.93a24.97b0.2110.828<.001
 Iron (mg/kg)882a139b32.9129.2<.001
 Zinc (mg/kg)59.90a37.27b1.3145.160<.001
 Boron (mg/kg)27.03b37.27a0.6362.497<.001
 Aluminium (mg/kg)672a68b21.283.4<.001

Note: Means within columns followed by the same superscript were not significantly different (). SEM; LSD at 5% level.