Research Article

Exploring Farmers’ Perception and Constraints on the Adoption of Small-Scale Irrigation in Hulet Eju Enesie District, North-Western Ethiopia

Table 2

Description of variables and expected relationship with farmers perception toward irrigation.

VariablesExpected signAdapted and modified from

High market demand for products+ve[44]
Achieving food security+ve[45]
Ensure high net income+ve[44]
Creates job opportunity+ve[46]
Socially acceptable practice+ve[45]
Insurance against drought+ve[47]
Reduces soil fertility−ve[44]
Bureaucracy of extension services−ve[44]
Susceptible to production risk−ve[46]
High cost of production−ve[45]
Require skill and knowledge−ve[44]
Negative environmental effect−ve[46]

Source: Own summary (2020).