Research Article

[Retracted] Evaluation of the Risk of Recurrence in Patients with Local Advanced Rectal Tumours by Different Radiomic Analysis Approaches

Table 2

Number of parameters that the network can train.

Wax pooling24 15 (MaxPooling)(None, 7, 7, 512)0

Flatten_3 (flatten)(None, 25088)0
dense_7 (dense)(None, 4096)102764544
dropout 8 (dropout)(None, 4096)0
dense_8 (dense)(None, 4096)16781312
dropout (dropout)(None, 4096)0
dense_9 (dense)(None, 2)8194
parama: 134,268,738
Trainable parans: 134,268,738
Nontrainable params: 0