Research Article

Development of Regression Models considering Time-Lag and Aerosols for Predicting Heating Loads in Buildings

Table 26

Multiple regression equations using new variables based on building size.

Building TypesLinear Regression Model

Original variables onlyDOE small office (time-lag0)Y = −179888432.974 + (−685748.939)X1 + (86,402.645)X2 + (−47343.593)X3 + (1811.848)X4 + (24,711.629)X5 + (−49815.842) X6 + (34,307.818)X7 + (61,552.875)X8 + (−371456.480)X9 + (−1367478.673)X10 + (−544550.045) X11
DOE medium office (time-lag1)Y = −242862773.124 + (−57775.571)X2 + (2360.095)X3 + (76,361.042)X4 + (−82461.104)X5 + (56,837.692)X6 + (101106.744)X7 + (−4510822.624)X8 + (−1387805.281)X9 + (−677958.805)X10 + (−799488.056)X11
DOE large office (time-lag2)Y = −242862773.124 + (2360.095) X2 + (76,361.042)X3 + (56,837.692)X4 + (−4510822.624)X5 + (−1387805.281)X6 + (−57775.571)X7 + (−82461.104)X8 + (101106.744)X9 + (−677958.805)X10 + (−799488.056)X11

With new variablesDOE small office (new model)Y = −84468362.750 + (−153900.636)X2 + (820.654)X4 + (7302.493)X5 + (−28329.843)X6 + (22,573.966)X7 + (31,803.161)X8 + (−380750.599)X10 + (−215562.688)X12
DOE medium office (new model)Y = −137086417.229 + (−581774.230)X1 + (−112436.116)X2 + (1264.005)X4 + (47,644.241)X5 + (16,462.981)X7 + (−2787320.969)X10 + (−566944.126)X12 + (1076401.110)X13
DOE large office (new model)Y = −137086417.229 + (−581774.230)X1 + (−112436.116)X2 + (1264.005)X4 + (47,644.241)X5 + (16,462.981)X7 + (−2787320.969)X10 + (−566944.126)X12 + (1076401.110)X13

X1 = dry bulb temperatures, X2 = dew point temperatures, X3 = relative humidity, X4 = atmospheric station pressure, X5 = horizontal infrared radiation, X6 = global horizontal radiation, X7 = direct normal radiation, X8 = diffuse radiation, X9 = wind speed, X10 = total sky cover, X11 = visibility, X12 = AOD, X13 = precipitable water, and Y = heating load.