Research Article

Commercial Value Assessment of “Grey Space” under Overpasses: Analytic Hierarchy Process

Table 7

Comparison of criteria importance.


A3Reasonable pedestrian flow0.1485
A2Public transport accessibility0.1485
B4Clean environment0.146
D1Retail and service industry0.1391
C2Safety and low crime rates0.0927
B3Presence of trees and green zones0.0536
A1Parking lot0.0495
C3Night-time street lighting0.0448
D2Certain period time of business activities0.0407
B2Air pollution0.0276
D3Incentives for small and medium businesses0.0238
B1Noise protection0.019
C1Comfortable and safe space0.0184
C4Cultural space0.0117
C5Municipal ancillary facilities0.0117
C7Developing communities0.006