Research Article

The Way-Finding in Educational Modular Buildings: The Case of the Male Engineering Building at Qatar University

Box 4: TukeyHSD function.

> TukeyHSD(anova_result)
 Tukey multiple comparisons of means
  95% family-wise confidence level
Fit: aov(formula = file[, “q3”] ∼ file[, “type”])
$ ‘file[, “type”]’
             diff     lwr    upr   p adj
Staff-Faculty       ⁡ 0.5000000     −0.553395513 1.553396⁡ 0.5887825
Student-Faculty    ⁡  0.1250000     −0.928395513 1.178396⁡ 0.9888702
Student and staff-Faculty 1.2857143     −0.002061403 2.573490 0.0505061
Student-Staff      −0.3750000  ⁡−1.298888982 0.548889 0.7016969
Student and staff-Staff   0.7857143     −0.398471075 1.969900 0.3009122
Student and staff-Student 1.1607143     −0.023471075 2.344900⁡  0.0565885
Box 4: TukeyHSD function.