Research Article

Study on the Evaluation Method of Green Construction Based on Ontology and BIM

Table 3

Mapping between EXPRESS language and OWL language.

EXPRESS expressionOWL expression

Patterns and interface specifications(i) Pattern(i) Ontology
(ii) User interface specifications(ii) rdf:about
(iii) Reference interface specifications(iii) owl:import

Data typeSimple data typesData type:owl: Datatypeproperty:
(i) Boolean(i) xsd:boolean
(ii) Integer(ii) xsd:integer
(iii) String(iii) xsd:string
(iv) Real(iv) xsd:real
(v) Binary(v) hexBinary/base64Binary
(vi) Number(vi) Methods to customize axiom
LOGICALExpressed by union in XML schema
Aggregation typesARRAYExpressed by user-defined data types in XML schema
Constructed typesENUMERATIONowl:one of rdfs:subclasses
Defined data typesDefined dataExpressed by user-defined data types in XML schema
Entity data typesEntity dataAdd prefix information when defining entity properties

Entity typeEntity—classesEntity + entity name<owl:Class rdf:ID = “entity name”>
Entity—instancesEntity + instance name<owl: individual = “instance name”>
Entity attributeExplicit attributeMandatory<owl:ObjectProperty rdf:ID = “EntityName_PropertyName”><owl:DatatypeProperty rdf:ID = “EntityName_PropertyName”>
Derive attributeDeriveSpecific owl:Class
Inverse attributeInverseObjectInverseOf declaration of a property as inverse property InverseObjectProperties declaration of two properties as mutual inverse properties
Local rulesDomain ruleWhereswrl:equal
Unique ruleUniqueExpression key hasKey of axion hasKey