Research Article

Exploring Critical Success Factors for Green Housing Projects: An Empirical Survey of Urban Areas in China

Table 1

Critical success factors for GH.

CodeCritical success factorsReferences

CSF1Adequate financial resources[8, 11, 30, 46]
CSF2Effective government policies and regulatory[27, 30, 31]
CSF3Owner’s active participation and commitment[37, 41, 43, 48]
CSF4Technology specification[30, 33]
CSF5Senior management support[35, 37, 39, 49]
CSF6Project manager’s ability[24, 30, 37, 40]
CSF7Designer’s ability[17, 38, 50]
CSF8Worker’s experience and skill level[17, 33, 42]
CSF9Clear project goals and objectives[35, 41, 49]
CSF10End user’s participation[30, 42, 51]
CSF11Stakeholder’s active participation[18, 4244]
CSF12Effective collaboration and communication[17, 38, 39, 52]
CSF13Good trust relationships among stakeholders[18, 33, 46]
CSF14Team motivation[18, 27, 44, 46]
CSF15Team’s education and training[45, 46]
CSF16Effective feedback and troubleshooting[47]
CSF17Effective cost management[30, 35, 36, 42]
CSF18Advanced machinery and innovative technology[17, 33, 34]
CSF19Project risk management[30, 32, 46]
CSF20Effective project planning and control[17, 37, 38, 53]