Research Article

Partitioned Strong Coupling of Discrete Elements with Large Deformation Structural Finite Elements to Model Impact on Highly Flexible Tension Structures

Algorithm 5

Weak coupling.
(1)### Start Time Loop ####
(2)while dem_analysis.time < dem_analysis.end_time:
(3) # increase time step if particles are not near to the interface
(4) if not dem_mesh_moving_utility. CheckIsNearToWall(mp_dem_particle.Nodes):
(5)  dem_analysis.SetDeltaTime(multiply = 100.0)
(6) # reset time step if particles are near to the interface
(7) else:
(8)  dem_analysis.SetDeltaTime(multiply = 1.0)
(9) ### Solve DEM Problem ####
(10) # update time parameters
(11) dem_analysis._UpdateTimeParameters()
(12) # search and find neighbouring elements/particles which are in contact
(13) dem_analysis.SearchOperations()
(14) # calculate contact forces
(15) dem_analysis.ForceOperations()
(16) # integrate in time to obtain new position and velocity of DEM particles
(17) dem_analysis.IntegrationOfMotion()
(18) # finalize time step by updating state variables
(19) dem_analysis.FinalizeSingleTimeStep()
(20) # check for contact forces and solve FEM part if contact forces exist
(21) if dem_mesh_moving_utility.CheckContact(mp_dem.Nodes):
(22)  ### Map Contact Forces ####
(23)  # DEM to Structure
(24)  mapper.Map(DEMApplication.CONTACT_FORCES, StructuralMechanicsApplication.POINT_LOAD)
(25)  ### Solve Structural Mechanics Problem ####
(26)  structural_analysis.AdvanceInTime()
(27)  # set the previous configuration as the current configuration
(28)  structural_analysis.InitializeSolutionStep()
(29)  # prediction step for solution scheme if necessary
(30)  structural_analysis.Predict()
(31)  # solve the FEM system of equations or explicitly integrate in time
(32)  structural_analysis.SolveSolutionStep()
(33)  # finalize time step by updating state variables and spatial position
(34)  structural_analysis.FinalizeSolutionStep()
(35)  ### Map Velocity and Displacement ####
(36)  # Structure to DEM
(37)  mapper.InverseMap(VELOCITY)
(38)  mapper.InverseMap(DISPLACEMENT)
(39)  # update position of DEM wall condition
(40)  dem_analysis.MoveMesh()
(41)### Finalize Applications ####
(42)# e.g., free memory, make output, ...