Research Article

Bridge Seismic Damage Assessment Model Applying Artificial Neural Networks and the Random Forest Algorithm

Table 3

The characteristics of five damage states.

Damage degreesCharacteristics

No damageLoad-bearing and non-load-bearing components are intact, or individual load-bearing components are slightly damaged and can be used without repair

Slightly damagedVisible cracks appear in individual load-bearing components; non-load-bearing components have obvious cracks; can be used without repair or repair

Moderately damagedMost load-bearing members have slight cracks; some have obvious cracks; some nonbearing members are seriously damaged; can be used after general repair

Seriously damagedMost of the load-bearing members are seriously damaged; nonbearing members are partially collapsed; the repair is difficult

Completely damagedMost of the load-bearing components are severely damaged; the structure tends to collapse or have collapsed; no repair is possible, and there is a need for reconstruction