Research Article

Implementation of Parallel K-Means Algorithm to Estimate Adhesion Failure in Warm Mix Asphalt

Pseudocode 1

k-means using sequential execution.
Input sample
 Kernel function:
Phase no
(1) Apply kernel function to transform the input sample
(2) Compute distance matrix
(3) List pattern to the cluster randomly using label matrix,
(4) Change ← 0
(5) Distance computation b/w each pattern w.r.t center of cluster)
while change do
  for to do
   compute cluster size
    for to do
     compute distance of each pattern from the cluster using:
    end for
   end for
  Previous L = L
  update label L
  L = min. val of d along column
  if Previous L = L then
   change = 0
  end if
 end while