Research Article

The Integrated Hydropower Sustainability Assessment in Tajikistan: A Case Study of Rogun Hydropower Plant

Table 1

The checklist for hydropower sustainability assessment in Tajikistan.

Performance indicatorsContentReferences

Economic aspect

EC1Project economic evaluation(i) Whether a wide range of factors has been considered, including sensitivity analysis?
(ii) Whether to publicly disclose the results of economic viability analysis?
(iii) Whether the project has a net benefit?

EC2Financial viability(i) Are the sources of project costs and benefits described in detail, including risk assessment, scenario testing, and sensitivity analysis?
(ii) Whether the financing method is feasible?
(iii) Whether to pay for all plans and commitments, including social and environmental aspects?
(iv) What is the impact of the project on the macroeconomy?
[44, 52, 53]

Environmental aspect

EN1Environmental management plan(i) Has an environmental management plan been established?
(ii) Is the plan comprehensive?
(iii) Is it publicly available?
[29, 54]

EN2Environment impact assessment (EIA)(i) Whether the EIA is true and comprehensive?
(ii) Have local stakeholders been consulted?
(iii) Does the EIA establish alternatives (including no dam and multiple site selection options)?
(iv) Is the EIA public or at least available?

EN3Biodiversity(i) Does the project affect habitats with high biodiversity value?
(ii) Does the project have a plan to avoid or reduce impacts on biodiversity and ecosystems?
[52, 54]

EN4Pollution prevention measures(i) Does the project have a management and monitoring plan?
(ii) What efforts have been made to avoid and reduce pollution?

EN5Soil erosion and sedimentation(i) Does the project consider possible soil erosion and sedimentation problems?
(ii) What measures have been implemented to deal with soil erosion and sedimentation?

EN6Environmental basic flow assessment(i) Has the project conducted an environmental basic flow assessment and established a standard for discharge flow?[39, 52, 55]

Social aspect

SO1Resettlement(i) Whether the resettlement complies with the principle of “compensation before placement?”
(ii) Does the company adopt the principle of Free Prior Informed Consent (FPIC)?
(iii) Does the resettlement improve living standards and provide appropriate economic compensation?
[5, 29, 48]

SO2Social impact assessment (SIA)(i) Is the SIA detailed and comprehensive?
(ii) Is the SIA consistent with the fact, and has it solicited opinions from local stakeholders and regulators?

SO3Communication and negotiation(i) Has the project established a communication and consultation system with the local community?
(ii) How many public participation meetings have the project held?
(iii) Has a dispute and appeal mechanism been established?
(iv) How many major disputes have been reported and resolved through the mechanism?

SO4Benefit-sharing(i) Does the project have benefit-sharing other than one-time compensation?[2, 22, 29]

Risk management

RI1Corruption(i) Are there policies to mitigate the risks of corruption?
(ii) Whether the procurement process is fair, transparent, and accountable?
[29, 57]

RI2Transboundary river governance(i) Does the project consider cross-border impacts?
(ii) Is there a monitoring and early warning system, and is information exchange with upstream and downstream countries maintained?
[56, 58, 59]

RI3Information sharing(i) Does the project regularly report to the community the most important risks and opportunities?[58]