Research Article

Life-Cycle Assessment of Recycling Postconsumer High-Density Polyethylene and Polyethylene Terephthalate

Table 10

Energy and water use for recycled HDPE resin (MBtu of energy and liter of water per ton of resin).

ProcessTransportEMRTotalTotal %Water use [37]

HDPE: cut-off, volume-based collection (50% compaction)
Collection (50% compaction)0.0136531.6901.56318.90
Reclaimer processing to pellet5.40.8706.2775.9426
Total for HDPE pellet5.722.6808.262426
Percent by category69.232.200

HDPE: system expansion, volume-based collection (50% compaction)
Allocated virgin resin production13.580.5524.838.9389.910
Collection (50% compaction)0.0070.9200.9272.140
Reclaimer processing to pellet2.70.5203.227.44216
Total for HDPE pellet16.4542.04624.843.3216
Percent by category38.004.7357.270