Research Article

Improving the Stability of Subsurface Structures in Deep Metal Mines by Stress and Energy Adjustment: A Case Study

Table 2

Designed mining schemes of test stope.

Mining methodSimulated mining schemeStress boundary

Scheme 1: the upward horizontal backfill methodStep 1: excavating an undercut roadway of 4 m × 4.5 m in the middle of a stopeInitial Szz −26.6 MPa
Step 2: excavating north of stopeInitial Sxx −43.6 MPa
Step 3: excavating south of stopeInitial Syy −26 MPa
Step 4: backfilling height of 3 m with the roof uncontacted

Scheme 2: the approaching backfill methodStep 1: excavating 4 approaching roads in the stope from the middle to the northInitial Szz −26.6 MPa
Step 2: excavating 3 approaching roads in the south of stopeInitial Sxx −43.6 MPa
Step 3: backfilling the 7 roads with the roof contactedInitial Syy −26 MPa
Step 4: excavating the remained 8 roads
Step5: backfilling the 8 roads with the roof contacted