Research Article

Mechanical and Mesoscale Analyses of Cement Stabilized Macadam Prepared by Vibratory and Nonvibratory Mixing Techniques

Table 2

Properties of limestone aggregate.

PropertyTechnical requirementTest result of coarse aggregate
19∼31.5 mm9.5∼19.5 mm4.75∼9.5 mm0∼4.75 mm

Content of flat and elongated particles (%)≤20%11.715.8
Crushing value (%)≤26%21.318.9
Bulk volume relative density (g/cm3)2.2302.7302.6072.589
Apparent density (g/cm3)2.8212.7632.7312.692
Water absorption (%)
Liquid limit of particles smaller than 0.6 mm≤28%23%
Plastic index of particles smaller than 0.6 mm≤93.2