Research Article

Life Cycle Ecological Footprint Reduction for a Tropical Building

Table 1

Details of related EF equations and parameters.


EFT = EFe&m + EFt + EFm + EFwe +  + EFlandEFe&m = EF of energy and building materialsEmission factor of electricity(λelectricity) is about 0.82 tCO2/MWh [35]
Aoc = percentage of CO2 absorptionin oceans (i.e., 30% [36])
Af = CO2 absorption factor of forests(i.e., 2.68 tCO2/ha [37])
ei = equivalence factor of different typesof bioproductive land [38] (Table 4)
EFt = EF of transportation
EFm = EF of manpower
EFwe = EF of waste assimilation
 = EF of water use
EFland = EF of builtup/physical land

 = emission during the lifespan of building
M = materials total embodied CO2 emission
Ec = direct energy consumption (i.e., machinery used) during construction
Eo = annual electrical energy consumption
Ed = direct energy consumption during demolition
Lb = building lifespan (i.e., assumed as 60 years)
λi = emission factor of fuel (i.e., diesel fuel, electricity, etc.)
Cwood = wood consumption in building
Ywood = yield of wood (i.e., 73 m3/ha [39])
Cmi = consumption ith material during a building lifespan (ton)
Dmi = the transported average distance of ith material
Cwj = waste generation (ton)
Dwj = transported average distance of jth waste material
Mk = number of labourers travelled by labourer
Dmk = distance travelled by labourer
Tc = the capacity (3.5 ton) of HDV
Tb = the capacity (50 passengers) of bus
λfuel = diesel emission factor (3.17 CO2 kg/kg of diesel [40])
EHDV = average fuel efficiency of HDV (0.222 kg of fuel/km [40])
Ebus = average fuel efficiency of bus (0.238 kg of fuel/km [40])
dw = total labour-days required during lifespan of building
fd = intake fraction of food that consumed during working (0.6)
Cfi = food item consumption (kg/person)
Yfi = food item annual yield (kg/ha)
Cfuelj = fuel used for food preparation (kg/person)
λfuelj = fuel emission factor (tCO2/kg of fuel)
Cwi = the amount of waste generated during building life (m3)
Ywi = the yield of C&D waste disposal
 = water use in building (m3)
 = energy required to uplift groundwater
EFland = Ab. ebuilt landAb = the total area of occupied land of building (ha)