Research Article

Life Cycle Ecological Footprint Reduction for a Tropical Building

Table 6

Embodied energy of different types of solar PV systems.

ComponentsEmbodied energy (MJP/m2 collector area)Emission factor# (tCO2/m2 collector area))

Solar PV moduleMono-Si2,860–3,860 [57, 61]0.165–0.223
Multi-Si2,699–3,120 [57, 62]0.156–0.181
a-Si710–1,990 [58, 63]0.041–0.115
CdTe992–1,189 [59]0.057–0.068
CIS1,069–1,684 [59, 60]0.062–0.097
Balance of system (BOS)
 Inverter503 MJ/kWp [64]0.029
 Frame mild steel32.24 (MJP/kg) [65]0.0018
 Installation34 [64]0.0019

#Indian primary energy to emission factor is 58 tCO2/TJ [54].