Research Article

Developing a Low-Cost Safety Improvement Program for Intersections in an Urban Roadway Network: A Case Study

Table 1

CMF and cost of 15 safety countermeasures.

No.Safety countermeasuresCMFCost

1Flashing red stop signs0.90 (total), 0.87 (target)$1,700/sign
2Flashing signal0.90 (total)$15, 000/sign
0.87 (target)

3Transverse rumble strips0.72 (total)$690
4Roundabout0.65 (total)$1,500,000
5Double centerline and stop bars0.6 (total)$1,250
6Warning signs0.85 (total) stop ahead$100/sign
0.87 (total) curve ahead
7Lane diet0.91 (total)$11.48/ft, (varies)
8Guard rail0.96 (total)$8, 000
9Median (concrete/delineator)0.14 (target)$28,800 (concrete)
$5,250 (delineator)
10Centerline rumble strips0.86 (total)$1,200
0.79 (target)

11Increase pavement friction0.76 (total) curve$16.50/square yard
0.8 (total), 0.58 (target): Braking

12Signal phasing0.01 (target): protected left turn$3,000
0.92 (total), delayed red signal
0.93 (total), protected permissive left turn with flashing yellow arrow

13Dedicated left turn lanes0.73 (total)$10,332
14Positive left turn offsets0.62 (target)$100,000
15No turn on red signs0.9375 (target)$1,400