Advances in Civil Engineering

Smart Manufacturing for Industrialized Construction 2021

Publishing date
01 Aug 2022
Submission deadline
25 Mar 2022

Lead Editor

1Deakin University, Geelong, Australia

2Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, USA

3Concordia University, Montreal, Canada

4University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, Canada

Smart Manufacturing for Industrialized Construction 2021


Industrialized construction is gaining momentum for construction innovation that leads to process and productivity improvements, capitalizing on emerging technologies such as Internet-of-things (IoT). By transferring some onsite activities to the indoor controlled environment, industrialized construction eliminates the exposure to the undesired construction environment and minimizes the disruption to construction sites. In the industrialized construction process, various technologies can be applied to advance the performance and productivity, e.g., generative design and Design for Manufacturing and Assembly (DfMA), IoT-based monitoring of production and logistics for real-time tracking, which allows real-time data access that can empower the data analytics using artificial intelligence and machine learning. Furthermore, the digitalization of the construction process enables the possibilities of digital project deliveries. Advanced technologies provide opportunities for creating automated and autonomous workflows in the construction manufacturing processes.

However, there are many technological and managerial challenges in promoting industrialized construction and maximizing its benefits in the construction industry. As the new technologies emerge, it opens opportunities for creating advanced building manufacturing that leads the motivation of documenting the state-of-art research efforts in this domain.

Therefore, this Special Issue aims to provide a collection of both research and practice papers that not only tackle established and emerging challenges in the industrialized construction field, but also emphasize the importance of both theoretical and applied approaches. The research efforts in the issue are expected to advocate the innovative progress in the industrialized construction and further promote the deployment and applications in smart manufacturing for industrialized construction.

Potential topics include but are not limited to the following:

  • Generative design for building prefabrication and Design for Manufacturing and Assembly (DfMA)
  • Smart monitoring of manufacturing processes using innovative sensing technologies, e.g. Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Data analytics and modelling of manufacturing processes, such as machine learning techniques, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and simulation
  • Manufacturing process analysis based on lean manufacturing principles
  • Manufacturing process control, automation, and improvement for productivity
Advances in Civil Engineering
 Journal metrics
See full report
Acceptance rate19%
Submission to final decision113 days
Acceptance to publication22 days
Journal Citation Indicator0.370
Impact Factor1.8
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