Research Article

A Comparative Study of EAG and PBIL on Large-Scale Global Optimization Problems

Table 1

Properties of the benchmark functions CEC’2010 [16].


: shifted elliptic functionUnimodalSeparable[−100, 100
: shifted Rastrigin’s functionMultimodalSeparable[−5, 5
: shifted Ackley’s functionMultimodalSeparable[−32, 32
: single-group shifted and m-rotated elliptic functionUnimodalSingle-group m-nonseparable[−100, 100
: single-group shifted and m-rotated Rastrigin’s functionMultimodalSingle-group m-nonseparable[−5, 5
: single-group shifted and m-rotated Ackley’s functionMultimodalSingle-group m-nonseparable[−32, 32
: single-group shifted and m-rotated Schwefel’s problem  1.2UnimodalSingle-group m-nonseparable[−100, 100
: single-group shifted and m-rotated Rosenbrock’s functionMultimodalSingle-group m-nonseparable[−100, 100
: -group shifted and m-rotated elliptic functionUnimodal-group m-nonseparable[−100, 100
: -group shifted and m-rotated Rastrigin’s functionMultimodal-group m-nonseparable[−5, 5
: -group shifted and m-rotated Ackley’s functionMultimodal-group m-nonseparable[−32, 32
: -group shifted and m-rotated Schwefel’s problem  1.2Unimodal-group m-nonseparable[−100, 100
: -group shifted and m-rotated Rosenbrock’s functionMultimodal-group m-nonseparable[−100, 100
: -group shifted and m-rotated elliptic functionUnimodal-group m-nonseparable[−100, 100
: -group shifted and m-rotated Rastrigin’s functionMultimodal-group m-nonseparable[−5, 5
: -group shifted and m-rotated Ackley’s functionMultimodal-group m-nonseparable[−32, 32
: -group shifted and m-rotated Schwefel’s problem  1.2Unimodal-group m-nonseparable[−100, 100
: -group shifted and m-rotated Rosenbrock’s functionMultimodal-group m-nonseparable[−100, 100
: shifted Schwefel’s problem  1.2UnimodalFully nonseparable[−100, 100
: shifted Rosenbrock’s functionUnimodalFully nonseparable[−100, 100