Research Article

The Café Wall Illusion: Local and Global Perception from Multiple Scales to Multiscale

Figure 6

Distribution of line segments detected by deviation in degrees from the horizontal (-axis), for the total 100 samples of Falling (Blue bars) and Rising mortar lines (Red bars), as explained in Figure 4. The scales of the edge maps () range from 8 to 32 with step sizes of 8 (1/2M to 2M with incremental steps of 1/2M = 8 px). Other parameters of the model and Hough analysis are as follows: and (the Surround and Window ratios), with NumPeaks = 50, Threshold = 3, FillGap = 80, and MinLength = 960 as the Hough parameters (see [20] for the resolution analysis and its effect on the Hough parameters).