Research Article

Some Criteria of the Knowledge Representation Method for an Intelligent Problem Solver in STEM Education

Algorithm 2

(see [27]). Solving the problem as kind 2.
Let K = (, , , ) be a knowledge domain as Rela-Ops model, and a problem P = (O, E, F)G as kind 2 in Definition 3. This algorithm will solve problem P through these steps as follows:
Input: The problem P = (O, E, F) ⟶ G
Output: The solution to problem P.
The method for designing this algorithm uses forward chaining reasoning. It combines heuristics rules in the reasoning process. Objects also attend this process as active agents for solving problems on themselves by Algorithm 1. This process is done when it gets the goal.
 Step 0: Initialize variables
  flag:= true;
  KnownFacts:= E ∪ F;
  count:= 0; # the number of new objects which are generated
  Sol:= []; # solution of problem
Step 1. Collect objects in hypothesis and goal part.
  Classify kind of facts in E and F.
Step 2. Check G.
  If G is achieved then
   Go to step 5.
Step 3: Determine the closure of each object in O by using Algo. 4.1 and facts in E and F.
Step 4: Use equations in E to generate the new facts as relation form.
  Use the relations in F to generate new equations.
  Update KnownFacts.
Step 5: Select a rule in to produce new facts or new objects by using heuristic rules.
while (flag! = false) and not(G is determined) do
  Search r in which can be applied to KnownFacts
  5.1. Case: r is a deductive rule
   if (r has form: ) then
   KnownFacts:= KnownFacts ∪ ;
   s:= [r, h(r), ];
   Sol:= [op(Sol), s];
   end if;
  5.2. Case: r is a rule for generating a new object
   if count ≤ card(O) then #only generate at most number of objects in hypothesis
if (r generates a new object o) and not(o ∈ KnownFacts)
   count:= count + 1;
   KnownFacts:= KnownFacts ∪ ; s: = [r, h(r), ];
   Sol:= [op(Sol), s];
   Go to Step 3 with new object o;
   end if;
  end if; #5.2
  5.3. Case: r is an equivalent rule
   if (r has form: f(r), ) then
   KnownFacts:= KnownFacts ∪ ;
  s: = [r, h(r), ];
   Sol: = [op(Sol), s];
end if; #5.3
  5.4. Case: r is an equation rule
  if (r has form: ) then
  r can generate a set of new facts A
   KnownFacts:= KnownFacts ∪ A;
  s:= [r, KnownFacts, A];
   Sol:= [op(Sol), s];
if (r generates a new object o) and not(o ∈ KnownFacts) then
   count:= count + 1;
   Go to Step 3 with new object o;
  end if;
end if; #5.4
  5.5. if (rule r cannot be found) then
   flag:= false;
  end if;
end do ; #while
Step 6: Conclusion of the problem
  if G is determined then
   Problem (O, E, F) ⟶ G is solvable;
   Sol is a solution to the problem;
 Reduce Sol by eliminating redundant rules.
   Problem (O, E, F) ⟶ G is unsolvable;
   end if;